Bed bugs can be a problem for SC homeowners at anytime during the year, but they’re less likely to be active during winter. However, SC’s warmer winters compared to northern states means that it’s still possible to see these pests out and about during this time of year. Our Hilton Head pest control experts have the following important information for homeowners in the area.
Bed Bug Behavior in Winter
During the winter months when the temperature drops, bed bugs don’t die from the cold or leave for warmer areas. Instead, they go into a less active state that is similar to hibernation in bears. Bed bugs are able to survive even freezing temperatures by doing this, which means they’ll be coming out when spring arrives.
These pests thrive in environments that offer enough heat and humidity. When the humidity levels drop in SC during winter, along with the temperature, bed bugs slow down and wait for warmer weather and higher humidity levels to return.
Bed Bugs in Spring and Summer
While you might not have to worry as much about dealing with bed bugs in your SC home in winter, you should be thinking ahead to spring. When the temperatures warm up, these pests become more active again and come out of their hiding spots. If you don’t have them in your home already, keep in mind that they can come in on clothes, in bags or on other items that you bring into your home.
When summer arrives with temperatures that are even hotter and humidity levels that are very high, bed bugs are at their most active. Be on the alert for these pests during this time.
Checking for Bed Bugs
If you have reason to believe that you might have a bed bug problem now, don’t wait until spring to find out for sure. Take steps to confirm that you have a bed bug infestation in your home so you can have it dealt with by pest control professionals before it gets worse. Seeing bed bugs on your mattress, blankets or other surfaces in your bedroom is one sign of an infestation, but it’s not the only one.
These pests can be found anywhere in your home. You might even see tiny specks from the fecal matter that these pests drop as they roam around your home or spots of dried blood from when they’ve fed on you. If you have reddish bites on your body, especially on exposed areas, this can also mean that you have a bed bug infestation.
Preventing Bed Bugs
If you don’t have bed bugs in your home, you can take steps this winter to prevent them from becoming a problem.
• Don’t bring second-hand furniture, clothing or other items into your home until after you’ve checked them for bed bugs.
• Put bed-bug-proof encasements on your mattress, pillows and box spring.
• Make it easier to detect these pests by placing lighter-colored sheets and other bed linens on your bed.
• Get rid of clutter in your SC home, which provides more hiding places for bed bugs.
• Vacuum your home often to eliminate any bed bugs that might have managed to get in.
Treating Bed Bug Infestations
If you have bed bugs in your home, don’t attempt to eliminate them on your own with heat sources or chemical products. Instead, depend on bed bug experts in SC to handle infestations for you. At Island Pest Control, our technicians can safely and thoroughly get rid of these pests for you.
If you have a bed bug problem this winter or if these pests become active in your home this spring, contact Island Pest Control for help. Our bed bug technicians can rid your home of these pests and help lower the risk of having another infestation.