Seeing Just One Mouse in Your House Usually Means There Are Many More

Seeing Just One Mouse in Your House Usually Means There Are Many More

When you see a mouse in your home, how concerned should you be about more of them being around? While the sight of one mouse might only alarm you a little, you should keep in mind that one mouse around usually means that there are many others nearby. Learn more about mouse infestations and when […]

Rodents – A Hilton Head Winter Nightmare for Homeowners

Seeing Just One Mouse in Your House Usually Means There Are Many More

When the weather gets colder in the Hilton Head area in winter, some types of rodents start to look for a place that offers warmth and shelter. In some cases, this can mean that you end up sharing your home with common SC rodents, such as mice or rats. Find out more about these pests, […]

Mice in Your House: More Than a Nuisance, They Carry Diseases

Seeing Just One Mouse in Your House Usually Means There Are Many More

Mice may seem cute and cuddly when they’re in a high school biology classroom, or even somewhat heroic when they serve as subjects for medical research. The truth is that mice running around as Beaufort County SC winter pests are far more likely to carry diseases than cure them. Don’t let these small but dangerous […]

Rodents – Are You Providing Harborage without Knowing?

hilton head mice control

Mice and other rodents are extremely agile, clever, and highly destructive. Many house fires occur each year due to rodents chewing through wiring. House mice and rats carry diseases like hantavirus and will destroy personal belongings and other items with their constant gnawing. Mice contaminate surfaces and food with their urine and droppings, so call […]

South Carolina Rodents – The House Mouse is a Reservoir for Disease

Seeing Just One Mouse in Your House Usually Means There Are Many More

They are small and fast and can do a lot of damage to a home, plus they carry disease. We’re talking about mice and how these pests can infiltrate a home and make it their own. When this happens, the best course of action is contacting a Hilton Head mouse exterminator. At Island Pest Control, […]