Among the worst possible news that homeowners can receive is that their house has termites. This is why, whenever a property changes hands, termite inspections are usually recommended as a standard part of the sales package. Every state has some unique way of referring to a termite inspection. In South Carolina, they call such termite inspections a CL100 wood infestation report, or CL100 Letters. Other states may have their own acronym, clever code name, or they may simply call a termite inspection, “the termite inspection.”
CL actually stands for the phrase “Clear Letter.” This means that the house or other building structure is “clear,” or not infested with termites at the time of letter writing. While the state allows this type of inspection to be done optionally at the request and purchase of the home buyer, it is required if the lending institution’s loan officer or underwriter requests it to be done as part of the loan closing process. In truth, a great many underwriters, or lenders, will insist that the buyer of the house obtains an “all clear” CL100 Letter before they will sign off on helping to finance the home.
Because South Carolina is located in such a humid and warm part of the country, termites are all too common. The conditions here represent the ideal, fertile, and happy breeding grounds for termites. Termite problems are so prominent in South Carolina that every home or property owner should recognize the importance of obtaining a CL100 termite inspection, if for no other reason than preserving their own peace of mind. Houses built entirely, mostly, or even just partly out of wood, are at risk.
The good news is that help is available. Termites can be stopped with effective pest control treatment, preventing major damage to the house, if it is protected by a termite bond. Termite bonds are termite control treatment arrangements that are paid for in a one-time, lump sum payment. These bonds include year-round treatments as appropriately determined by our experts here at Island Pest Control.
Should the dreaded termites show up and damage the house or property, the termite bond transfers all repairs and damages liability over to Island Pest Control. It is important to choose a reputable pest control company, like us, from which to buy such a termite bond, as not every company delivers the same warranty in a termite bond.
Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to many home and property owners today, a foolproof CL100 Letter does not actually exist. The reason for this is that the only way to be 100% certain that there are absolutely no termites in a house is to literally rip out all of the walls. The company that signs and delivers their CL100 letter is actually declaring that, to the best of their knowledge, no immediate infestation signs are present as per their inspection and the limitation inherent in termite inspections.
Every homebuyer should remember a few things. It may not be required by law to contract a CL100 termite inspection, but it is a wise practice for every home buyer in South Carolina to plan on obtaining one upfront. Otherwise it is likely in the closing process for the lender and underwriter to announce that without a CL100 Letter, there will be no final funding of the purchase or closing on the house. This would inevitably lead to a delay in the property buying process, so it is smart to bypass this holdup and have a CL100 inspection done prior. Should the termite inspection test positive for the vermin, a homebuyer should be prepared for the lender to refuse to finance the property until the damages are repaired and the building is certified termite free.
Island Pest Control’s philosophy is simple, we want to provide the most effective pest control service available, having the least negative impact on people and the environment.
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