During the summer months, you might have houseflies buzzing in or around your house. When the weather gets cooler in fall, a different type of fly might become a problem in your home. Cluster flies are a common fall nuisance in SC. Learn more about these flies, including when you should get in touch with a Hilton Head exterminator about them.

How to Identify Cluster Flies

How can you tell if you have a problem with houseflies or cluster flies in your home? While these bugs have a similar appearance, cluster flies are larger overall. Cluster flies also have a non-shiny appearance with dark gray coloring and gold-colored hairs. Houseflies have a metallic appearance without golden hairs.

Cluster flies don’t have a long lifespan. In fact, these bugs only live for a few months. They typically lay their eggs outside in the dirt, and these eggs hatch in a few days. If you see cluster flies outdoors, they’re normally found near flowers or fruit.

Where Cluster Flies Are Found

Where are you seeing cluster flies in your home? This can help you determine if you have houseflies around or cluster flies if you can’t tell by their physical appearance. Houseflies tend to buzz around kitchens and other areas where they’re likely to find food. Cluster flies don’t have much interest in your pantry or crumbs. Instead, these flies will be flying or gathering close to windows, especially if it’s sunny out.

If cluster flies get into your home, they typically seek shelter in hidden areas, such as in nooks, furniture, corners and other protected areas. These flies usually go higher up in homes, such as in upstairs rooms or attics. You might not see them when they’re in your home during fall and winter, since they’re not very active. However, you might see groups or clusters of them on your window sills when the weather starts to get warm again. Cluster flies emerge from their hiding places at this time and look for a way to get back outside.

Problems with Cluster Flies

How worried should you be if you have cluster flies in your home? Cluster flies don’t spread any diseases, and they won’t damage your home. They also won’t get into your food supplies or bite you. However, you should have a Hilton Head exterminator get rid of these pests. Cluster flies can gather in large numbers, which can lead to a serious infestation inside your home. In order to eliminate them, you would need to do a thorough inspection and find where they’re hiding. Exterminators have the training needed to get this done.

Preventing Cluster Flies

Controlling cluster flies can be a challenge, so it’s better to find ways to prevent them from becoming a problem in your home. This involves looking for any possible entry points these bugs can use to get inside and sealing them up. You should check around doors and windows for gaps and cracks that they can use to enter your home. These flies can also get in through rips in window screens and screening around your attic vents. Replacing or fixing screens, using caulk to fill in gaps and applying weatherstripping around doors and windows can help you stop cluster flies from being able to get into your home.

Keep in mind that taking these prevention steps can also help lower your risk of having problems with other pests that can get into your home. During fall, you have a higher chance of needing a Hilton Head exterminator if flies or other pests come inside to look for winter shelter.

If your home has a cluster fly problem, contact Island Pest Control for a Hilton Head exterminator. Our exterminators can rid your home of cluster flies, so they won’t seek shelter there during winter.