Flying squirrels might seem like cute and harmless critters, but they can end up being a nuisance when they’re in your attic. These rodents don’t actually fly. Instead, they glide from tree to tree while searching for food and avoiding predators. Learn more about these squirrels, and keep in mind that you might need reliable Hilton Head squirrel removal services if they invade your home.
Flying Squirrel Diet
Flying squirrels forage for nuts and seeds, just as other tree squirrels do. However, they tend to eat larger amounts of carnivorous food sources, including bird eggs and bugs. They typically store food away for winter, so they’ll have enough to keep them satisfied until spring.
Flying Squirrel Habitat
These squirrels usually nest in trees, in forests, and woodlands, especially in dead trees. They can also be found in residential attics if they find a way to enter and set up a nesting spot. This type of shelter provides them with warmth and shelter during the winter months.
Flying Squirrel Problems
Flying squirrels don’t cause any problems when they stay outdoors. However, they can damaging your home if they build their nests in your attic. Their urine can cause damage, while their odor can become a nuisance for residents.
Tips for Preventing Flying Squirrels
You can lower the risk of having these critters in your home by closing up all entry points and placing screens on vents and chimneys. You should also trim tree branches away from your home.
If you’re dealing with a squirrel problem, let Island Pest Control handle it for you. We offer professional Hilton Head squirrel removal services that are safe and dependable.