South Carolina is known for its beautiful weather. With that comes many outdoor parties and gatherings; specifically during the warmer spring and summer months. However, mosquitoes also love a good party, and they have no problems crashing them. If you’re experiencing a mosquito problem on your property, one of the best Hilton Head mosquito control companies is at your service.

Watch Out for These Ten Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
Watch Out for These Ten Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

The Problem with Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are among the most annoying warm weather pests. The females are the biters, and they need blood to produce eggs. They’re not picky, though. They’re happy with your blood, and the blood of any of your pets. Once a mosquito bites you, the itchiness can become unbearable.

To add to that, there’s a high risk of disease from mosquito bites as well. West Nile Virus, Zika Virus and even Malaria can be spread through just one mosquito bite. All the more reason to get rid of these nuisances before they can do their damage.

Your Options for Mosquito Control

At Island Pest Control, we have several options for your mosquito problem. These include:

Our goal is to make sure your mosquito control needs are being met.

Are you in need of one of the best Hilton Head mosquito control companies? Look no further than Island Pest Control. We’ve been keeping these pests in check since 1979. Contact us for an inspection request.