As your Hilton Head exterminator, we have to admit that we find most pests fascinating. One of the most interesting pests is the lovebug.

You don’t hear much about lovebugs because they’re not a common household pest like other insects. However, we’d like to take this time and share some interesting trivia with you about these bothersome bugs.

Lovebugs 101

Did you know that:

• Lovebugs, honeymoon flies and March flies all refer to the same insect.

• There are more than 200 species of March flies, but only one that causes problems in the U.S.

• The problems that lovebugs can cause are more likely to concern motorists than homeowners.

• Lovebugs can get into car engines and radiators and clog them up.

• They can also make it hard for you to see if they splatter on your windshield.

• Lovebugs can cause the paint to deteriorate on your car because of their high acidic levels.

• Female lovebugs only live 2 to 3 days and die after mating.

• The lovebug mating ritual occurs in flight and takes place over several hours.

• The female lovebug can lay up to 600 eggs at one time.

Protecting Yourself From Lovebugs

It’s important to know how to protect yourself from lovebugs outdoors, and what you should be avoiding. It’s not a good idea to use insecticides. They can have a negative impact on the honeybees in your area.

You can take other steps to reduce lovebug damage. Some examples are:

• Not driving between 10am and dusk, since this is when lovebugs are the most active.

• Keep your driving speed as low as possible.

• Put a screen or a protective cover on the grill of your car.

• Keep your car well waxed in order to minimize paint damage.

At Island Pest Control, we’re your Hilton Head exterminator. If you need assistance with lovebugs or any other pests, we’re the ones you should call. Contact us today to get help.