With their masked face and humanlike hands, raccoons seem to have loads of personality. Watching them pick up objects or playfully roll around can be entertaining, and there’s no shortage of funny raccoon photos and videos on the Internet. Even still, don’t feel bad if you would rather not let raccoons near your Hilton Head home.

Simple means of deterrence are no match for the wily raccoon. Ask your Hilton Head exterminator or trash collector about raccoons, and you’ll probably hear amazing stories of the lengths these creatures go to in order to access food or shelter. Those bungee cords holding your trash lid down? No match for these guys.

Raccoons can carry germs and cause plenty of property damage. If they nest in your attic or on your property, you will definitely wind up with a messy, dirty situation. Island Pest Control, the Hilton Head exterminator trusted by thousands for safe and effective solutions, can provide humane trap-and-release wildlife removal so you can say goodbye to your little bandits.

Raccoons Carry Rabies and More

One of the scariest situations with raccoons is when your dog or cat gets into a backyard fight with one. Raccoons carry the rabies virus, but often don’t appear diseased or sick. Just because a raccoon doesn’t foam at the mouth does not mean it doesn’t have rabies.

People and pets get sick from coming into contact with raccoons or things they have touched. If you need to clean an area where a raccoon has urinated or defecated, use gloves and a breathing mask—or just call a professional.

Illnesses you can get from raccoons include:

• Rabies

• Roundworm

• Giardiasis

• Leptospirosis

• Salmonella

• E. Coli

And other bacterial and viral diseases

The Problem with Dumpster Divers and Attic Dwellers

Raccoons are famous for knocking over trash cans and spilling the contents all over your lawn or driveway. Though not truly a scavenger, raccoons will eat just about anything when hungry. Damage caused by raccoons can get much worse, too.

Common raccoon problems that your Hilton Head exterminator can help you avoid include damage to your roof, soffit, and fascia; destruction of the home’s wood frame; chewed up insulation; and damage left by urine and droppings in the attic.

Wouldn’t it be a shame to have to throw away a bunch of clothing, blankets, photo albums, and other belongings if they got eaten or peed on by a raccoon?

Deterring Raccoons

Raccoons are common in Beaufort County, especially in tree-lined neighborhoods or near forested areas. The best option would be to prevent them from entering the home by sealing all openings and keeping trash cans in the garage with a locked lid.

Other raccoon repellant options include noise machines that play predator sounds, motion-activated mist machines, and electric fencing. However, depending on their desperation and tenacity, raccoons might adapt and learn to ignore these methods.

Raccoon Trapping and Removal by a Hilton Head Exterminator

At Island Pest Control, we employ a holistic approach to raccoon control, meaning we can identify the attraction, entry points, and the best methods of removal. This way, you can get rid of a raccoon now and be more likely to stay free of other nuisance animals.

As your Hilton Head exterminator, we don’t immediately resort to poison methods. Our licensed, educated technicians know how to lure and bait raccoons into a metal Havahart trap. Then, we can safely transport the raccoon far away from your property to be dealt with responsibly.

Our team is here to help with Okatie pest control and Bluffton pest control services, in addition to our home service area of Hilton Head. Let us know if you have any unwanted intruders, whether it’s a raccoon or an unknown animal rustling in the attic, and we’ll provide a free inspection and estimate.