When the weather cools off in SC, some animals head to indoor areas seeking shelter throughout the season. In the Hilton Head area, raccoons can end up becoming unwanted guests in attics. Since these critters can cause a number of problems for homeowners, it’s important to learn what to do about them and when you should hire Hilton Head raccoon removal services.

Reasons for Raccoons in Attics

Why do raccoons take up residence inside attics?

This part of your home provides raccoons with a place to stay, especially during the winter months. Raccoons don’t hibernate in winter, so they need somewhere warm and dry to go in order to stay safe.

When they get into attics, they have plenty of space to make a nesting spot. They usually also have an easy way to come and go as they please in order to find food and water. If you don’t hire Hilton Head raccoon removal to get them out, they can stick around and end up causing problems.

We spoke to Kelly Williams with Lowcountry Roof Repairs, she told us several stories how racoons tore and scratched at the ridge cap on roofs causing major water damage during rain storms. It’s important to have your roof vents and seals checked often for wildlife attempting to claw their way into your home.

Signs of Raccoons in the Attic

How do you know if you have raccoons hiding in your attic?

Many animals make noises when they get inside attics. Since raccoons are among the larger animals to get into these areas, the noises you hear might sound louder or heavier. Light scratching, for example, could indicate mice or rats, while thumps or similar sounds could mean you have raccoons.

You’re more likely to hear raccoon noises shortly after it gets dark as this is when they leave their shelter. You might also hear them later in the night when they come back. It’s also possible to hear them during the day, especially if they make vocalizations.

Another sign that you have raccoons in your attic is actually seeing them. If they’re out and about during the day, you could see them climbing down your downspout or up on your roof.

Raccoon Entry Points

How do raccoons manage to get into attics?

It’s easy to understand how mice or rats can get inside, but raccoons are much larger. Despite their size, these animals have other features that make it possible for them to get inside homes.

They have nimble hands that they can use for clawing or grabbing, and they are excellent at climbing on a variety of surfaces. Raccoons tend to get into attics by climbing under eaves or entering other areas that provide an open space, such as soffit vents or dormers.

Raccoon Threats and Risks

What kinds of problems can raccoons cause when they make their home inside your attic?

In addition to keeping you up at night with their noise, they can also cause damage to your home. Hilton Head raccoon removal services are needed in order to safely get these animals out of your home and prevent more damage from occurring.

When they’re in your attic, they can chew or tear drywall, wiring and other structures. These animals also carry certain diseases that could put you or your pets at risk, such as rabies, raccoon roundworm and distemper.

Raccoon Removal

Don’t try to get raccoons out of your attic on your own, since this can be dangerous. Raccoons aren’t normally aggressive, but they can claw or bite when they feel threatened. Hilton Head raccoon removal is the safest and most effective way to ensure that these animals are no longer in your attic causing trouble.

After professionals remove these animals, they can provide you with advice on keeping them out. This might include sealing up possible entry points, trimming branches away from your roof and removing food sources, such as putting pet food away and keeping garbage in tightly closed containers.

If you need Hilton Head raccoon removal at your home, contact Island Pest Control. We can provide you with reliable services that safely remove these critters from your attic.