What Are the Diseases the Mosquitoes Transmit? – What to Know for April

Island Pest Control is the Mosquito Control Expert

Mosquitoes will be out and about soon, which means you and your family could end up with mosquito bites. Although these bites can seem like a minor nuisance, they could increase your risk of getting sick. Mosquitoes can carry certain diseases that they transmit through their bites. Hilton Head mosquito services are an important part […]

Be on the Watch for These Early Spring South Carolina Pests

What Pests Should I Expect This Spring?

As the weather starts to slowly warm up in spring and the sun shines more, some pests will begin making their presence known on your SC property. Which springtime pests should you be keeping an eye out for? You might need Hilton Head area pest control if you see any of the following common spring […]

Mosquitoes – Now Considered Dangerous Backyard Pests

Mosquito-Borne Diseases Found in Hilton Head, South Carolina

Mosquitoes used to be known mainly as nuisances that cause itchy bites. These days, more and more is known about these pests, leading them to be considered dangerous pests. Mosquitoes in SC are able to transmit an alarming number of infectious diseases, making Hilton Head mosquito treatment services essential for homeowners. Learn more about the […]

Mosquito 101: How Do They Breed?


Have you ever noticed that once you have a few mosquitoes, suddenly it seems as though you have 100? That’s because of their breeding behaviors. If you have found yourself in a battle with these awful pests, it might help you to understand how they breed and multiply so quickly. We’re fairly confident that once […]